Publications & Resources
Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.
Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.
MLMIC and MSSNY Present CME Day on Friday, May 20
As the lead-in to the MSSNY 2022 House of Delegates, MLMIC and MSSNY are proud to present CME Day on Friday, May 20, via Zoom webinar. The series of continuing medical education presentations will commence online at 1 p.m. with three MLMIC presentations.
MLMIC and MSSNY Present CME Day on Friday, September 17
As the lead-in to the MSSNY 2021 House of Delegates, MLMIC and MSSNY are proud to present CME Day on Friday, September 17, via Zoom webinar. The series of continuing medical education presentations, originally scheduled to be hosted in-person, will commence online at 9 a.m. with three MLMIC presentations.
MLMIC Releases Three Online CME Risk Management Modules
MLMIC’s recently released CME modules share valuable guidance and insight on leading topics including patient-physician communication, documentation, patient safety and more.
New Online CME Modules from MLMIC Address Diagnostic Errors
Two new online CME modules – “High Exposure Liability: Errors in Diagnosis – Parts I & II” — feature a physician expert and a defense attorney discussing factors that contribute to diagnostic errors and offering strategies for improving patient care and reducing potential risk.
New CME-Only Modules Address Current Issues in Risk Management
MLMIC’s newest online CME-only modules address risk management topics related to physician advertising, telephone triage, electronic health records and voice recognition software.
New Risk Management CME Module Addresses Challenges in the Physician-Patient Relationship
MLMIC’s newest risk management CME module helps physicians navigate the doctor-patient relationship. The program addresses patient behaviors that can negatively affect care and offers steps that can be taken to enhance the patient experience.
New Risk Management CME Module: Back Disorders
New risk management CME module – “Back Disorders: Claims Data in the United States” – explores issues and risks associated with the diagnosis and treatment of back disorders.
Pressures in Medical Field Limit Time Clinicians Have to Consider Diagnoses
Providing physicians with more “thinking time” and space for decision making may assist them in determining the appropriate diagnosis.
New Risk Management CME Module: High Exposure Liability
MLMIC’s newest online risk management CME modules explore issues and risks associated with high exposure liability claims.
New Risk Management CME Module Online: Trends in Ophthalmology Malpractice Claims
New MLMIC Risk Management CME Module features a discussion regarding surgical procedures frequently involved in ophthalmology claims.