Publications & Resources

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Category: Physicians

How Physicians Can Help Combat the Opioid Crisis

Responsibly prescribing medications, identifying patients with opioid use disorders, initiating conversations and developing treatment plans may help physicians handle drug-seeking patients while mitigating risk.

New Issue of “The Scope: Medical Edition” Features Guidance on Treating Difficult Patients, Reducing Risk and Improving Safety

The newest issue of The Scope: Medical Edition, MLMIC’s risk management publication, is now available online and offers the latest health, legal, risk management and insurance information.

Medication Safety Webinar Presented by MLMIC and HANYS

This September 21 presentation will cover leading factors that contribute to medication error malpractice claims and strategies to mitigate risk.

The State of Medical Professional Liability in New York

In this video, MLMIC discusses how the pandemic impacted the medical liability industry in New York State.

September 2022 Events for New York Physicians and Healthcare Providers

Check out MLMIC’s list of upcoming meetings, learning opportunities and charitable events that pertain to New York State physicians and healthcare providers!

Improving Healthcare Accessibility for Patients with Disabilities

Physicians and healthcare facilities can promote healthcare accessibility by recognizing the unique challenges that patients with disabilities face and removing barriers to care.

Risk Management Tip: Social Media Hygiene for Healthcare Organizations

MLMIC shares social media hygiene practices that will protect virtual data and convey appropriate messages for healthcare organizations.

Destigmatizing Obesity to Improve Patient Care

Obesity is a common and complex chronic condition that affects more than 40% of Americans. MLMIC discusses how physicians can offer effective and unbiased guidance to patients.

How Hospitals Can Protect Healthcare Workers from Harm

Healthcare employees face unique workplace hazards. MLMIC explores how hospitals can develop protocols that boost staff safety and minimize risk.

How Hospitals Can Support Healthcare Worker Mental Health

MLMIC shares strategies to alleviate the stress of physicians and other clinical staff amid the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.