Pocket Guides With Antibiotic Prescribing Guidelines Available from NYSDOH

The appropriate and judicious use of antibiotics is a concern for all prescribing providers.  NYS Department of Health (DOH) has issued antibiotic prescribing guidelines for both adult and pediatric patients based on extensive review of best current knowledge and recommendations by experts in the field. These recommendations are available electronically or in hard copy from the DOH. MLMIC encourages all prescribing providers to avail themselves of these guidelines.

These new pocket guides go straight to the essence of clinical treatment guidelines and include recommendations for both adult and pediatric patients. The adult conditions include acute rhinosinusitis, acute uncomplicated bronchitis, common cold/non-specific upper respiratory tract infection (URI), pharyngitis and acute uncomplicated cystitis. Pediatric conditions include acute rhinosinusitis, acute otitis media, pharyngitis, common cold/non-specific upper respiratory tract infection (URI), bronchiolitis and urinary tract infections (UTI).

The simple, easy-to-use pocket guide is available in four versions:

  • as a hard-copy reference card available free from NYSDOH;
  • as an electronic link that could be integrated into electronic health records;
  • as a downloadable reference card for printing;
  • as a downloadable poster for printing and posting where providers keep their reference materials.

Follow these links to see the guidelines in two popular formats:

Should you want to order “hard copy” guidelines, please email Marybeth Wenger at NYSDOH.