The State of Medical Professional Liability in New York

medical liability in New York

MLMIC’s webinar presentation, “New York Medical Liability: The Road We’re On,” examines how the pandemic impacted our industry and where our experts see medical liability and the courts moving forward. 

The discussion covers:

  • healthcare trends and their effect on medical professional liability; 
  • the pandemic and changes to the medical and legal landscape; 
  • uncertainty in healthcare and underwriting challenges; 
  • NYS legislative changes impacting healthcare; and 
  • the prognosis for medical professional liability.

We understand that it’s been a difficult time for physicians. In fact, MLMIC was established 47 years ago in a time of crisis, when the last of the medical liability insurers left New York State. Since MLMIC’s inception, we’ve aimed to provide the most comprehensive coverage at the lowest possible price. “MLMIC has been here for healthcare providers, offering needed protection in this difficult and litigious environment,” explains Chief Medical Officer Dr. John Lombardo. 

MLMIC encourages you to register to watch the full presentation here.