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Tag: infection prevention

The Important Connection Between Oral and Heart Health

Did you know that oral health and heart health appear to be connected? Over the past few years, a handful of studies have investigated the correlation between oral hygiene indicators and heart health. Although these studies were not able to answer the question of causality, several found significant associations that highlight the importance of good oral health in maintaining good heart health.

Tips to Safely Practice Dental Radiology During COVID-19

Many aspects of providing dental care have become more challenging during COVID-19, and the practice of dental radiology is no exception. Thankfully, recommendations for infection control have improved over the past two years of the pandemic as experts researched the virus. Read this blog to learn the top strategies for limiting COVID-19 spread and improving safety while practicing dental radiology.

A Dental Cavity-Free Future: What Will It Take?

Would it be possible to achieve a dental cavity-free future? A recent article says yes, if there are global collaborations and policy consensus. Caries and cavities are the world’s most prevalent non-communicable disease. Despite that, cavities are typically ignored in health policy. The authors of the article emphasize the severity of the issue and provide four recommendations for integrating oral health into overall wellness.

Reflecting on the Past Year: Lessons From COVID-19 for Dentists

COVID-19 has forced substantial shifts in how dentists, and many professionals, work every day. Over the past year, dentists have had a chance to reexamine the way they practice and determine if those habits still make sense in the face of a threat like COVID-19. In a recent article, Dr. Lauren Patton reflects on the teachings of 2020. Read about the lessons she learned during the pandemic.

How to Address Pandemic-Related Patient Safety Threats

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Network’s annual perspective summarizes COVID-19’s impact on patient safety and strategies for addressing these evolving challenges.

Changes to Drills can Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in Dental Practices

Dentists can further reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 in their practices by adjusting one tool: dental drills. A recent study found that changing how dentists use drills can limit the spread of aerosol particles in a room — hugely significant in the age of coronavirus.

The Joint Commission Says Hospitals Should Prioritize Seven Patient Safety Goals in 2021

The Joint Commission’s seven patient safety goals it says should be the prioritized by hospitals in the coming year.

How Good Oral Health Can Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is serious and deadly, but good oral healthcare can substantially reduce the likelihood that individuals connected to a mechanical ventilator contract VAP.

New CMS Regulations Address High Rates of COVID-19 in Nursing Homes

Due to high COVID-19 rates in nursing homes, CMS says it will increase enforcement for facilities with persistent infection control violations and impose enforcement actions for lower level infection control deficiencies.

How to Differentiate Vaping-Related Lung Injury From Influenza or Respiratory Infections

New CDC recommendations can help physicians differentiate between vaping-related lung injury and influenza or respiratory infection.