February 15, 2021

Risk Management Tip: The Use of Computers in Examination Rooms

The presence of laptops/tablets in examination rooms has become commonplace as more providers implement electronic health records. This method of documentation may place a barrier between the provider and the patient. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.

February 5, 2021

Attorneys Respond to Medical Professional Liability FAQs on Documentation in the Medical Record

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review attorneys’ answers to frequently asked questions on medical professional liability related to documentation in the medical record.

February 1, 2021

Risk Management Tip: Reducing the Risk of the “Copy and Paste” Function in Electronic Health Records

The “copy and paste” function of electronic health record systems (EHRs) allows users to easily duplicate information such as text, images, and other data within or between documents. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.