
Category: Dentists

Case Studies: Small Claims Trials Against Dentists

If you’re a dentist called to a small claims court, resist the urge to handle the case yourself. In this blog, read two case studies from small claims trials against dentists who were represented by MLMIC and won their cases.

Risk Management Checklists for Dentists: Office Policies

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review these important Risk Management Checklists on office policies, including guidance on maintaining patient confidentiality, tracking test results, following up on missed or cancelled appointments and handling patient complaints.

Dental Small Claims: What to Expect on Your Day in Court

The number of dental professional liability cases filed in New York’s small claims courts has significantly increased over the previous 10 years. In this blog, attorneys at Fager Amsler Keller and Schoppmann, LLP, describe what to do if a claim is filed against you and what to expect on your day in dental small claims court.

Risk Management Checklists for Dentists: Medication Management

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review these important Risk Management Checklists on medication management, specifically, handling prescription medication to maximize patient safety. Be sure to view or download the checklist for use in your dental practice.

Risk of Spreading COVID-19 During Dental Procedures? Fairly Low, Study Finds

At the beginning of COVID-19, dental practices were initially seen as a particularly risky location to visit. After all, dentists work in patients’ mouths, patients can’t wear a mask during dental treatment and we’ve come to understand that SARS-CoV-2 is present in the mouth. However, recent research found that dental procedures during COVID-19 are not much riskier than taking a drink of water.

Dentists’ Feelings About Teledentistry Changed During COVID-19. Here’s How.

The healthcare sector has changed dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of those changes are here to stay. One of the most notable changes for dentists is the increased use of teledentistry. A study in Colombia aimed to study the impact of COVID-19 on dentists’ knowledge and attitudes toward teledentistry. Here’s what they found.

Selling Your Dental Practice: Tips From A Healthcare Law Attorney

At some point in time, every dentist who owns his or her practice will contemplate selling, whether as an exit strategy, pathway to retirement or, occasionally, by necessity. Planning and closing your sale will take time, and beginning the process early will serve you, your employees and your buyer’s future patients.

Risk Management Checklists for Dentists: Dentist-Patient Relationships

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review these important Risk Management Checklists on dentist-patient relationships, including guidance on properly discontinuing the dentist-patient relationship, treating patients with whom you have a close relationship, managing patient noncompliance and managing negative online reviews.

Be Prepared: Five Tips for Dental Residency

Residency can be very different from dental school. Having an idea of what to expect will help you start on a strong note. Read our top five tips for new or soon-to-be-new dentists as they prepare for residency.

Risk Management Checklists for Dentists: Patient Communication

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review these important Risk Management Checklists for Dentists on patient communication, including guidance on after-hours calls, communication between consulting and referring dentists, sharing test results and communicating with low health literacy patients.