
Category: Dentists

MLMIC’s Q2 Financials Show Strength and Stability

MLMIC’s Q2 financials show continued strength and stability for New York’s leading medical liability insurer. In a constantly changing insurance marketplace, it is reassuring to know that MLMIC is sound and ready to serve its policyholders.

MLMIC Hotline Offers 24/7 Legal Support

MLMIC is pleased to offer a hotline for legal support 24/7. Policyholders can access this important service via phone or email.

New Risk Management CME Module Addresses Challenges in the Physician-Patient Relationship

MLMIC’s newest risk management CME module helps physicians navigate the doctor-patient relationship. The program addresses patient behaviors that can negatively affect care and offers steps that can be taken to enhance the patient experience.

2017 Risk Management Seminar To Be Held in Syracuse September 15

MLMIC’s Annual Risk Management Seminar features the foremost experts in the healthcare industry on current trends and topics essential to ongoing, effective risk management.

Medication Dosing Errors Continue to Rise in the U.S.

A recent report, published in the Journal of Toxicology, found that people in the United States are making errors in dosing medications at home. Healthcare providers should be cognizant of the need for patient and caregiver education in the proper administration of both prescribed and over-the-counter medications.

MLMIC’s 2017 New Dentist Discount Program Includes New Options and Savings

MLMIC’s enhanced discount program offers new dentist graduates more options in choice and savings. It’s a cost-effective way to obtain malpractice insurance with the program designed by and for NYSDA members with New York State’s leading malpractice carrier.

Media Reports Major Medical Malpractice Insurance Carrier Ousts CEO

Media reports indicate that New York State has ousted the CEO of the state’s second largest medical malpractice insurance carrier. Although dramatic changes like this may give the appearance of instability in the entire market, MLMIC assures policyholders that their coverage is not at risk and MLMIC continues to demonstrate sound financial condition.

New Albany Report: Results of 2017 NYS Legislative Session

The newest edition of The Albany Report arrives on the heels of a NYS legislative session that included some surprises and disappointments for the medical malpractice insurance market.

DFS Approves MLMIC Rates for 2017, Including No MD Base Rate Change

MLMIC is pleased to announce that DFS approval of MLMIC’s 2017 rates means that base rates remain unchanged for all physician policyholders for July 1, 2017, to July 1, 2018. DFS also approved a number of specialty class changes and a small adjustment to how entity rates are calculated.

Doctors Tell Medscape How They Survived Being Sued

While there’s no getting around the intense emotions involved in being sued, a solid support system makes a big difference. This includes not only family, friends and colleagues but also skilled legal counsel.