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A Forecast of Risk: COVID-19 Trends That Are Here to Stay

The pandemic has permanently changed delivery of patient care, creating potential fallouts that may impact risk for New York State physicians.

How Hospitals Can Support Healthcare Worker Mental Health

MLMIC shares strategies to alleviate the stress of physicians and other clinical staff amid the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.

How Physicians Can Support Patients with Long COVID-19

Prioritizing empathy, setting care goals and involving multi-disciplinary specialists may help physicians address post-COVID conditions.

New York Medical Liability Webinar Presented by MLMIC

This June 24 webinar and panel discussion, presented by MLMIC, will examine the pandemic’s impact on New York medical liability.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act Webinar Hosted by MedPro

This June 21 webinar will review the requirements of the EMTALA and how the statute impacts care delivery.

Encouraging Patients to Resume Routine Care

MLMIC shares tips to help physicians encourage patients to return to routine care after delays caused by COVID-19.

The Consequences of Delays in Surgeries and Preventive Screenings Due to COVID-19

Delays in preventive screening exams can exacerbate diseases and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer if they go undiagnosed, unmonitored, and untreated.

Update on Elective Surgeries in New York State

Amid another surge in COVID-19 cases, a New York State executive order requires hospitals or health systems with limited capacity to limit non-essential elective procedures.

MLMIC Vaccine Survey Reveals High Vaccine Compliance, Limited Staffing Issues

Results from a recent MLMIC vaccine survey—including numbers of resignations and exemptions—reveal that staff at our insured facilities have overwhelmingly chosen to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Long-term Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Industry, Including Vaccine Misinformation

We remain cognizant of the impact that COVID-19 has had on our insureds, their staff and their loved ones. We recognize the rising Delta variant and its impact upon communities with a high unvaccinated population and continue to battle vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.