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“Telehealth: Challenges and Opportunities” Webinar Presented by MLMIC and HANYS

Although telehealth is an effective and convenient form of care delivery, it also carries unique challenges and risks for healthcare providers. Learn more in our upcoming webinar!

10 Tips for Integrating Telehealth Into Medical Practices

MLMIC outlines guidance to promote a positive telehealth experience for both patient and physician.

Evolving State Regulations Limit Practice of Telehealth

New revisions to telehealth regulation revoke temporary flexibility around state licensing and could disrupt care for both physicians and patients.

“Hybrid Future” for Telehealth and In-Person Care Requires Thoughtful Integration of Technology

As the nature of healthcare delivery moves toward a hybrid blend of telehealth and in-person care, thoughtful policies and protocols must be created to preserve the physician-patient relationship.

Strategies to Mitigate Telehealth Security Threats

Telehealth use requires health systems to ensure existing policies and procedures protect patient health information and privacy.

Update on Status of New York and Border State Regulation of Telehealth

Our insureds are encouraged to review newly enacted provisions of the Public Health Law. These amendments hold implications for our insureds related to telehealth delivery.

How to Address Pandemic-Related Patient Safety Threats

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Network’s annual perspective summarizes COVID-19’s impact on patient safety and strategies for addressing these evolving challenges.

Risk Management Tip: Utilizing Telehealth in Your Practice

A properly selected telehealth system can provide an effective format for healthcare delivery absent an in-person visit. Physicians are advised to consider a number of factors when determining if telehealth technology will benefit their practice and patients.

Risk Management Tip: Effective Telehealth Patient Engagement

There are key factors to consider when determining whether a telehealth encounter is the right choice for an individual patient.

Strategies to Optimize Telehealth Encounters

With the rise in telehealth, physicians are advised to adopt practices that will enhance virtual patient encounters.