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NEW: MLMIC, in collaboration with the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY), is introducing a new Preferred Savings Program (PSP) which will provide a 10% discount to qualifying physicians. To see how you could save, see our entire list of Preferred Savings Programs.

MLMIC Podcast Explores a Case Involving Treatment of a Hand Injury

Kathleen Harth, Assistant Vice President, Claims, talks about a medical malpractice case that went to trial. The claim involved a failure to properly treat fractured fingers resulting in loss of use of the hand.

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Nearly 80% of Physicians Now Employed by Hospitals, Corporations: 5 Things to Know - The analysis shows that health systems and other corporate entities continue to drive consolidation in healthcare by aggressively acquiring physician practices — particularly in the period following the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Drug Shortages Reach Record High in US - There are 323 drugs with active shortages in the US, surpassing the previous record high from 2014.

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New Liquid Biopsy Screening Test for Pancreatic Cancer Shows Promise in Early Data

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Counterfeit or Mishandled Botox Injections Linked to Harmful Reactions in Nine States - The reactions to the products occurred in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee and Washington.

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With 45+ years of New York-specific experience, MLMIC is New York’s #1 medical liability insurer – providing physicians, dentists, hospitals and groups with expert insight and concierge-level service backed by the power and resources of a Berkshire Hathaway company. For the latest Best's rating, access

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