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Category: Physicians

MLMIC’s Third Quarter Edition of The Scope: Medical Edition is Now Available Online

The newest issue of The Scope: Medical Edition includes considerations for telehealth and cybersecurity, a case study on delayed treatment due to the late discovery of a patient’s family history and more.

HHS Now Permits Pharmacists to Administer Pediatric Vaccinations

To boost childhood vaccinations rates, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that pharmacists are now permitted to administer vaccines to children ages 3 and older.

Risk Management Tip: Effective Communication with Patients

Effective communication is the cornerstone of the doctor-patient relationship. Patients’ perceptions of physician communication skills may impact the potential for allegations of malpractice. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.

CDC Says COVID-19 Can Result in Prolonged Recovery, Even Among Young Adults

Research conducted by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests COVID-19 can result in prolonged illness, even among young adults with no underlying chronic medical conditions and those who experience mild symptoms.

Strategies for Reducing Diagnostic Errors Related to COVID-19

To prevent COVID-19-related diagnostic errors, physicians and healthcare organizations must address cognitive biases that are often present during clinical decision-making.

MSSNY and MLMIC Partner to Provide Physician Wellness Support

MLMIC has partnered with The Medical Society of the State of New York in its effort to provide New York State physicians with resources to address mental health challenges resulting from today’s medical environment.

Attorneys Respond to Medical Professional Liability FAQs on Retention and Release of Medical Records

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review attorneys’ answers to frequently asked questions on medical professional liability related to retention and release of medical records, including timeframes and authorizations.

Key Considerations to Help Healthcare Organizations Optimize Telehealth Use

Experts have identified key themes related to telehealth they say have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and can help physicians optimize its use.

Risk Management Tip: Management and Documentation of After-hours Telephone Calls from Patients

The failure to properly handle and document after-hours telephone calls can adversely affect patient care and lead to potential liability exposure for the physician. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.

CDC Updates Guidance on Isolation for COVID-19 Patients

Revised recommendations issued by The Centers for Disease Control say those who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 should isolate for at least 10 days after symptoms first appear.