Risk Management Checklists: Patient Safety

MLMIC publishes Risk Management Checklists to assist insured physicians and facilities with policies and protocols in critical areas, including patient safety. These checklists focus on specific risk management issues – managing medical equipment and caring for patients of size – that policyholders are likely to encounter in the healthcare setting.

We encourage you to review these risk management checklists for patient safety on a regular basis to promote patient safety and reduce potential liability exposure:

Management of Medical Equipment for Patient Care

Many procedures are performed in the office setting using physician-owned or leased medical equipment. Failure or malfunction of this equipment may lead to patient, staff or provider injury. The appropriate maintenance of this equipment is essential to patient safety.

View or download the checklist here: Management of Medical Equipment for Patient Care.

Safely Caring for Patients of Size in the Office Practice

Obesity continues to be a serious health issue in the United States. Providers’ offices may not be well equipped to accommodate patients of size. Injuries can occur if appropriate equipment is not available to accommodate them. Further, bias or ambivalence by healthcare professionals in treating obese patients can negatively affect patient care and lead to poor outcomes. Providing a safe environment, while optimizing sensitivity to the needs of this patient population, will enhance patient care and minimize exposure to claims of negligence.

View or download the checklist here: Safely Caring for Patients of Size in the Office Practice.

MLMIC’s Risk Management Consultants are available to assist insured physicians and facilities in their ongoing efforts to identify and address areas of concern related to patient safety. For guidance regarding a specific situation, please contact MLMIC’s Risk Management Department at (800) 275-6564.

In addition, policyholders can stay up to date on the latest risk management guidance and alerts by monitoring the MLMIC Insider, The Scope: Medical Edition, Healthcare Weekly and other MLMIC communications.