Publications & Resources
Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.
Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.
Case Study: A Wrongful Birth Case
In this case, a 25-year-old female alleged that, during her pregnancy, she was not fully informed that her infant would suffer birth defects. A legal and risk management analysis of the case indicates that failure to provide this patient with test results in a timely manner led to serious consequences.
Risk Management Tip: Communicating and Following Up on Critical Patient Test Results
To protect your medical practice, check out MLMIC’s recommendations for communicating and following up on critical test results.
Taking Pride in Caring for the LGBTQ+ Patient
There are many things to consider when addressing the needs of the LGBTQ+ population, but becoming aware of this vulnerable population and promoting inclusion is a step in the right direction!
Treating a Patient with Body Dysmorphia: A Case Study
This real-life case study examines how treating a patient with body dysmorphia presents a challenge—even for physicians who follow proper risk management practices.
Case Study: Dental Jousting and a Bridge Too Far
In this case study involving dental jousting, the facts illustrate how jousting, connected with documentation issues, can lead to the settlement of a potentially defensible case. The case involves a 54-year-old female who presented to our insured for a consultation to replace old fillings and a preexisting three-unit bridge from #2-#4.
Why and How to Incorporate Shared Decision-Making In Clinical Practice
This model of care, which requires physicians and patients to collaborate on care plans, can improve health outcomes, strengthen relationships and boost satisfaction.
Real Examples of Difficult Dental Patients: Actual Calls Received by MLMIC
MLMIC receives a significant number of calls from policyholders and their office staff who are dealing with difficult situations. These calls can involve patients who are simply noncompliant, unruly patients and even family members who cause disruption in the office and threaten office staff. In every situation, MLMIC offered advice and was able to assist with resolving the situation appropriately.
How to Effectively Treat Difficult Dental Patients: Part 1
In almost every dentist’s practice, there are difficult dental patients. In this first installment in our new blog series, we will provide recommendations for treating patients who demand or abuse narcotics; are rude or threatening to the dental professionals; or are noncompliant. All patients, even difficult ones, must be evaluated and treated by their dentists until and unless they have been formally discharged from care.
The Impacts of Health Literacy and Cultural Competence on Patient Care
MLMIC discusses how to mitigate risk associated with patient communication.
Providing LGBTQ-Friendly Healthcare
Physicians and healthcare providers can support LGBTQ patients through inclusive communications and office environments.