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Category: Physicians

Are You Using All of Your MLMIC Benefits?

MLMIC has successfully defended more NY physicians than any other NY medical liability insurer. This level of protection is always there in case you need it, but did you know we also offer a host of additional benefits and resources that can help you in your daily practice.

Addressing Mistaken Identity in Healthcare Settings

Mistaken identity compromises patient safety, and MLMIC wants to alert policyholders to the need for protocols that can prevent such errors.

Phishing Email Disguised as HIPAA Audit Notification

HHS has issued an alert that a phishing scam email is being circulated on mock HHS departmental letterhead. This email, which appears to be an official government communication to HIPAA covered entities, prompts recipients to click a link regarding possible inclusion in the HIPAA audit program.

ECRI Releases Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2017

ECRI Institute has released its 2017 list of healthcare technology hazards – problems that can be avoided through careful management of technologies. The list can be used to enhance patient safety efforts.

Standardizing Handoff Communication Improves Patient Safety

During care transitions, it is essential to ensure that pertinent information is provided to the individual(s) assuming the care of the patient.

As a Result of Continued Fiscal Strength, MLMIC Declares New Dividend

MLMIC’s latest dividend is based on overall assets of $5.8 billion, a surplus of $1.9 billion and a net income of $100 million. These figures, available in the company’s Q3 statement, show the company’s overall financial condition remains sound.

Simple Written Instructions Improve Patient Compliance

A recent study showed a significant increase in patients’ proper use of pre-operative medications when they were provided with simple written instructions.

A.M. Best Special Report Reveals Risk Retention Group (RRG) Impairments

In a recent special report on the insurance industry in the United States, A.M. Best – a leading insurance rating organization – notes a disturbing trend among risk retention groups (RRGs): they appear to be failing at an increasing rate.

Alteration of a Medical Record Carries Serious Consequences

If a provider is sued for medical malpractice, an improper alteration of the patient’s medical record may very well destroy his or her ability to defend the case. This is true even if the medical care in question was entirely appropriate.

Benefits of a Long-Term Relationship With Your Medical Malpractice Insurance Carrier

Financials are only part of the picture when it comes to your relationship with your medical malpractice carrier. The length of the relationship matters, as well.